Donate to Six Rivers

By making a contribution to Six Rivers you will support the successful programs which have helped students, families, neighbors and other community members restore relationships through resolution of their conflicts.

Six Rivers is a vibrant organization because of the generous contributions from people like you. Thank you for your vital support!

Donate by PayPal

Please click HERE to choose your selected dollar amount and contribute to Six Rivers via Paypal. You do not need a Paypal account to utilize this service. Invoices and training courses may be paid via this method. Please include a note in the memo. If you have any questions, please call 541-386-1283 or email us at .

Donate by Mail

Please send your donation payable to Six Rivers to:

Six Rivers
P.O. Box 1594
Hood River, OR 97031
(888) 628-4101

Donate Your Time

Help us by donating your time! At Six Rivers DRC, volunteers provide mediation, facilitation, governance, mentorship, and so much more. Let us know what skills you would like to contribute and we will happily work with you to support our mission. See our Volunteer page for more information.

How we have helped:

  • Communication
    “Mediation helped to communicate with the other party”
  • Understanding
    “Mediation helped to better understand the issues”
  • Alternatives
    “If mediation services had not been available, I would have filed in court”
  • Cost
    “Compared to other likely means of resolving this matter, mediation cost less”
  • Recommendation
    “I would recommend mediation servies to other people for a similar situation”
  • Future
    “I would consider using mediation again”


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