Six Rivers DRC provides short and long term internships for high school students, college and university undergraduates, and graduate students. Interns may receive educational credit and/or compensation. Six Rivers provides skill-building mentorship to interns in exchange for the help they provide. Over the years, interns have been involved in providing and designing services, administrative tasks, outreach and communications, and more.
Interns leave Six Rivers with experience with conflict resolution services, theory, and practice; an understanding of the administrative functions required to maintain a service oriented nonprofit; real world research, writing, and submission of grants; communication skills, not only as a conflict resolution practitioner, but also in a workplace and professional setting; Support and encouragement from Six Rivers staff; and a professional reference for any job applications submitted post-internship.
Join the team!
Six Rivers' Mediator Guild:
Continuing Education Series
New Day - Thursdays!
When: 1st Thursday of each month, during the lunch hour (12:00-1:00)
Where: Zoom
To Attend: please email Lori at
Tentative Schedule (subject to change)
Thursday, September 7: Report-out from Domestic Relations and Parenting Time Mediation Training with Multnomah County, with Colleen Regalbuto. (Or, key lessons learned from a 40-hour training on parenting plans, distilled into 1 hour!)
Thursday, October 12 (Note Date Shift) Safety and Mediation. Join us as we discuss when safety concerns come up in mediation. Learn about reporting to authorities and how to support parties. Find out where our responsibilities lie as mediators and where other agencies are better equipped to provide support.