
Mediation is a process for resolving disputes that allows people to be heard, to find common ground, and to create a solution that works.

Mediated discussions are intended to give all participants a chance to communicate their needs, concerns and goals. Mediation gets to the source of the conflict and brings together those who are most able to craft workable solutions. 

Six Rivers’ mediation framework focuses on interest-based negotiation. Our mediators help clients identify, communicate and understand all parties’ needs and goals. Our process aims to build solutions that address the real issues fueling the conflict.

Mediators guide the conversation and provide tools to help problem-solve. They do not make decisions or create solutions for you. This is your process; make it worth your time.

To learn more about the Six Rivers mediation process, please click here (for English) or here (for Spanish).

Mediation Services:

  • Family
    Parent/teen, family decision-making, household rule creation
  • Co-Parenting, Divorce
    Parenting plans, dissolution of marriage, division of assets
  • Youth
    Parent/teen, classmates, student/teacher, restorative practices
  • Workplace
    Contractual disputes, employee/supervisor, employee/employee
  • Neighbor-to-Neighbor
    Boundary-line disputes, animals, shared resources, noise, trees, views
  • Housing
    Late or missing rent, pet concerns, repairs and damages, additional occupants, rule violations, neighbor or housemate complaints, vacate dates, and more
  • USDA Agricultural
    Pesticides, loans, farm transitions, labor, conservation plans, grazing permits, USDA agency adverse determinations, organic certification, and more

Fees and Sliding Scale

Most mediations are $175/session/party. We require up-front payment, prior to the mediation session. Most sessions are about 2 hours long. Each party is invoiced separately. Some mediations are free, depending upon case type.

You are welcome to apply for reduced or waived mediation fees based on income; if you are interested in reduced fees, please let us know and we will send you our Sliding Scale/Waiver form to complete. No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.

Rates are subsidized by grants and donations and do not reflect the true market value of services. Here are important links:

Six Rivers Fee Schedule- English

Six Rivers Fee Schedule- Spanish



Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t think we can agree on anything?
By agreeing to participate in mediation, you can take an important step toward resolving a dispute. The goal of the mediation is to reach an agreement that all participants find reasonable and in their best interests.

What happens in a mediation session?
Each party gets a chance to talk about the situation from their perspective; without interruption, sometimes in the presence of the other party and sometimes with only the mediators present. The mediator will facilitate the discussion by establishing ground rules and guiding participants through a process of discovery and communication. Some of the techniques may be familiar, such as “brainstorming”, but the mediation process itself is indeed a unique experience. The mediator is there to help the parties decide what the important issues are, explore misunderstandings, illuminate listening techniques and discover solutions.

What happens when we find a solution?
If an agreement is reached, a written agreement will be drafted and each party will sign the agreement.

How much time will it take?
Each mediation is different. In most cases Six Rivers maintains a 2 ½ hour maximum for each session, and the majority of cases are resolved within one or two 2 ½ hour mediations. Breaks are generally allowed; speak to your mediator at the beginning of the session about how you prefer to handle breaks.

Is this meeting confidential?
Yes. The mediator(s) will keep confidential everything you say during the mediation. At the beginning of the mediation, you will be asked to sign a “Consent to Mediate” agreement to keep matters discussed in the mediation confidential. The mediator(s) will review the agreement with you and answer any questions you may have at that time. Mediation confidentiality covers mediators as well, and includes requests for information from the courts.

Will the mediator tell us what to do?

Case managers and mediators are not lawyers and will not give you legal advice. If at any point in the process you would like to seek legal advice, you retain the right to do so. Your mediators will act as impartial third-parties, listeners, translators, and conversation guides; they will not act as judges, arbitrators, or decision makers. Any decisions made in mediation will be agreed upon by the mediating parties, and memorialized in an agreement that you then can file through the courts, if necessary. We also offer post-mediation options for partnering with a collaborative attorney to draw up legal paperwork.

Interested in Mediation Services?

We offer up to one hour of free, confidential consultation to explore your options and see if mediation is a good fit for your situation. You can speak to a trained, neutral mediator about what’s going on, clarify the issues, and get initial conflict coaching. Six Rivers DRC staff will contact the other party to see if they want to move ahead with a facilitated conversation, either jointly or separately. All conversations we may have with you or the other party will remain confidential. Once all parties agree to mediation, Six Rivers DRC staff will coordinate a time that works well for all parties involved to sit down and have a productive conversation.

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