
As a volunteer with Six Rivers Dispute Resolution Center Services, your time, commitment and efforts are greatly appreciated and highly valued. Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of a growing commitment to the peaceful resolution of conflict!

Board Member Service
We are often in need of additional board members. The board is responsibile for ensuring the financial well-being of the organization, as well as ensuring that policy and programs are consistent with the Six River’s mission and vision.  The board meets once a month, and the overall time commitment is about 5 hours/month.

Volunteers with our Restorative Justice Program
Six Rivers has opportunities for volunteers to participate in our restorative justice program. Restorative justice seeks to examine the impact of an act of harm on a survivor and then determines what can be done to repair that harm while holding the person who caused harm accountable for their actions. 

Volunteers participate in circle meetings which address harms between individuals. Since harm between two people also impacts a community, it is important to have volunteers from the community who also participate in circles.  To volunteer with this program, you must participate in a training and commit to the entire length of a circle process.

Volunteer Mediators
To volunteer with Six Rivers DRC as a community mediator, you must complete the Basic Mediation Training and Practicum requirements. More information at https://6rivers.org/training/.  The 40 hour Basic Mediation training is offered at various other locations throughout the state and by other Community Dispute Resolution Programs. Six Rivers is able to accept a limited number of students in our Mediator Practicum Program each year.

For more information about volunteer opportunities, contact us at .


Six Rivers' Mediator Guild:

Continuing Education Series

New Day  - Thursdays!

When: 1st Thursday of each month, during the lunch hour (12:00-1:00)

Where: Zoom

To Attend: please email Lori at

Tentative Schedule (subject to change)

 Thursday, September 7:  Report-out from Domestic Relations and Parenting Time Mediation Training with Multnomah County, with Colleen Regalbuto. (Or, key lessons learned from a 40-hour training on parenting plans, distilled into 1 hour!)

Thursday, October 12 (Note Date Shift)    Safety and Mediation.   Join us as we discuss when safety concerns come up in mediation.  Learn about reporting to authorities and how to support parties. Find out where our responsibilities lie as mediators and where other agencies are better equipped to provide support.


“Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict – alternatives to passive or aggressive responses, alternatives to violence.”

~Dorothy Thompson

Join our Team!

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