Get Involved
Without our volunteers, interns, trainers, and supporters, Six Rivers DRC would not be able to exist. Every year our supporters give hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in time and money to help Six Rivers DRC continue to work toward its mission and vision.
If you’re interested in joining our team, contact us! We have a wide variety of options available for all kinds of volunteer, intern, and paid tasks and jobs. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Six Rivers DRC relies on people like you to spread the message of community mediation and bring conflict resolution to the whole Gorge community!
Six Rivers DRC is currently hiring for an Early Resolution Specialist for Oregon. Learn more about the position and how to apply here.
Six Rivers DRC volunteers are what keeps our agency going. From administrative tasks and board governance to offering mediation, facilitation, and restorative justice services, volunteers are the driving force behind Six Rivers’ work. If you want to join the Six Rivers community, there are many ways to get involved.
Six Rivers DRC is committed to providing learning opportunities and skill building mentorship to interns in exchange for the help they provide. Over the years, interns have been involved in providing and designing services, administrative tasks, outreach and communications, and more. Interns leave Six Rivers with experience with conflict resolution services, theory, and practice; an understanding of the administrative functions required to maintain a service oriented nonprofit; real world research, writing, and submission of grants; communication skills, not only as a conflict resolution practitioner, but also in a workplace and professional setting; Support and encouragement from Six Rivers staff; and a professional reference for any job applications submitted post-internship.
Support our Work
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Six Rivers DRC relies on people like you to spread the message of community mediation and bring conflict resolution to the whole Gorge community! Join us for community events and trainings, follow us on social media, and send people to us for help with conflicts.
Your contributions will help us continue to build more peaceful communities in the Columbia River Gorge, as we’ve done for over 20 years. With your support and the support of other community members like you, we will continue to help our children, students, families, and community live more peaceful lives with healthy and vibrant relationships. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
Six Rivers' Mediator Guild:
Continuing Education Series
New Day - Thursdays!
When: 1st Thursday of each month, during the lunch hour (12:00-1:00)
Where: Zoom
To Attend: please email Lori at
Tentative Schedule (subject to change)
Thursday, September 7: Report-out from Domestic Relations and Parenting Time Mediation Training with Multnomah County, with Colleen Regalbuto. (Or, key lessons learned from a 40-hour training on parenting plans, distilled into 1 hour!)
Thursday, October 12 (Note Date Shift) Safety and Mediation. Join us as we discuss when safety concerns come up in mediation. Learn about reporting to authorities and how to support parties. Find out where our responsibilities lie as mediators and where other agencies are better equipped to provide support.
If you would like to receive periodic newsletters from us to learn about current events and training opportunities, please contact us at